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    Main » Files » GAMES » PC games

    Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None RIP / The Wheel of Time RIP
    [ ] 2009-01-01, 4:38 PM
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     The Wheel of Time RIP
    The game is set about one hundred and fifty years before the events of the books. Elayna Sedai, the protagonist and the player's alter ego, is reading a report from an expedition she sent out, when she is attacked by an unknown assassin in her office in the White Tower. She is knocked out, and he makes off with an odd, horn-shaped Ter’Angreal but not the Cuendillar Seals he was looking for. The Amyrlin subsequently sends Elayna to recover the Ter’Angreal.
    Elayna follows the assassin and his army of Trollocs to the crumbling city of Shadar Logoth, which is inhabited by unknown creatures of evil. She tracks the assassin through the city, battling Trollocs and dark creatures along the way and finally corners the assassin, who admits that he was hired by the Forsaken Ishamael. Ishamael is seeking the seals held by the Amyrlin. The assassin agrees to return the Ter’Angreal in return for his life. Just as Elayna retrieves the Ter’Angreal, the assassin is assailed by Mashadar, the Evil Mist of Shadar Logoth.

    Upon returning to Tar Valon, Elayna finds the White Tower besieged by Trollocs. After helping to secure the tower, Elayna is told that the Amyrlin wants to see her in the basement with the Ter’Angreal. On her way to the basement, Elayna overhears a group of Black Ajah Aes Sedai with the assassin from Shadar Logoth and another Aes Sedai named Sephraem, all of whom are working for Ishamael.

    When Elayna finds the Amyrlin, she tells her of the Black Ajah. The Amyrlin then tells Elayna of the importance of the odd Ter’Angreal: Elayna, a weak Channeller, has the potential to be the most powerful being on earth. Since her childhood, the Amyrlin has Shielded Elayna from the One Power for her own protection, and the odd Ter’Angreal is able to unlock that power. Just as the Amyrlin is about to use the Ter’Angreal on Elayna, the assassin and Sephraem break in, kill the Amyrlin, and take the Ter’Angreal as well as Amyrlin’s seal.

    Elayna takes a few moments to mourn the Amyrlin’s passing, then pursues the assassin and his minions as the new acting Amyrlin. They lead her to an empty Aes Sedai expedition site outside a Whitecloak fortress. She is captured by the Whitecloaks and thrown in the dungeon, where a few of the Aes Sedai are located. Elayna learns that some Aes Sedai were able to escape through a portal stone outside the fortress. She manages to escape from her cell and makes her way to the portal stone.

    The portal takes her into the Mountains of Mist, near the fortress of Ishamael. She finds the escaped Aes Sedai in the dungeon of the fortress, rescues them from the dungeon and defends them while they make their way back to the portal stone. Once they are all away, she begins to search the fortress for the Amyrlin’s seal, which the assassin, now referred to as the Hound, brought to the fortress.
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     Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None RIP
    And Then There Were None begins with eight characters travelling to the fictional seaside town of Sticklehaven. They have each been invited by "U.N. Owen" to a small island off the coast of Devon. Upon arrival, they meet Patrick Narracott, the brother of a boatman and the player character.
    Narracott claims his brother is sick, so he has filled in at the last minute. His brother has actually been framed for a crime he did not commit, and Narracott believes that by taking the guests to the island he can find proof of his brother's innocence. Once the guests reach Shipwreck Island, they meet two new servants who have recently arrived, but U.N. Owen is nowhere to be found. The servants, who have never met U.N. Owen, play a recording left for the guests, and on it a mysterious voice proceeds to accuse the servants and guests, excluding Narracott, of murder.

    Narracott soon discovers that his boat has been sabotaged and is unable to float, meaning he is stuck on the island. The game then progresses through the murder of each guest on the island, following closely to the novel. None of these murders can be avoided, and the player has no control over the plot until they are nearing the end. Narracott sleuths across the island throughout the game, and several discoveries are made, including the fact that Lombard is actually Charles Morley and has committed no crime, and Claythorne is also innocent.


    The player can influence the game and this results in four possible endings: either Narracott alone survives, Lombard and Narracott survive, Lombard, Narracott and Claythorne survive, or Narracott and Claythorne survive. In the latter two endings, a romance forms between Narracott and Claythorne. The murderer is revealed to be Emily Brent. Brent reveals to be Gabrielle Steele, an actress who owned Shipwreck Island. "Brent" is angry at Wargrave for driving her lover, Edward Seton, to suicide, so she decided to punish ten guilty people, saving him for later to make him suffer. Steele holds Claythorne at gun-point. Narracott subdues Brent and pushes her over a balustrade and she is hanged. If the player completes an additional puzzle, they can view a narrated version of Christie's original ending, in which Lawrence Wargrave is the murderer.


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