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    Main » Files » GAMES » PC games

    Counter Strike 1.7.1 (2008)
    [ ] 2008-06-18, 7:17 PM
    Counter Strike 1.7.1
    Appeared the new version of well familiar to us with all of game, namely Counter Of strike. There are many innovations, among which the improved drawing… now in the game is feminine sex. .[tak] that, amateurs, I think you will estimate toy. Models of the players: Feministic motion took its. Now in the standard collection of models there will be female model. Weapon: the price of weapon now will depend on rate of change. Physics: KS will become more than [priblezhen] to the real life. - Now from the shot into the head from any weapon begins death. - Also if we fall into any important organ, then death begin through the specific period - With the entry into hand increases the spread - With the entry into the foot decreases the speed On the whole any, even most absurd shooting through becomes dangerous - Hollywood also did not remain aside. The inflow of 3 seconds after death player obtains the possibility of " shot from last [sil]". Bullet flies accurately there, where sight is induced. Special possibilities it is ter and cg: [Tery]: - [Tery] obtain the possibility to explode bomb at any moment. - In the menu of purchase it is ter it appears [shakhidskaya] fragmentation bomb. Cg: - Cg obtain the possibility of 1 times for the round to obtain the photograph of the map of " from [sputnika]". Photograph comes with the delay 1 it flogged - in the menu of purchase cg it appears the detectors of the motions, which it is possible to establish [naprmer] on the carpets on [inferne] in the stairs. So player can learn if there the enemy Changes in the maps: KS 1.7 has only of 7 maps. They all will be played on the championships. Thus this: de_aztec de_inferno de_train de_clan1_mill de_nuke de_dust2 de_cbble Let us begin from the fact that on all maps on [plantakh] A and B will be drawn the special pentagrams, with the aid of which cg can instantly move from the point A on B or vice versa. For the realization of transfer cg it will have to introduce with the aid of the command of say_magic special magic word. Word will be given automatically to any cg made -5 for 2 rounds. In order to compensate this advantage [teram] it will be given the unique possibility, different for each map de_aztec - Folds now will move. - Beginning from 7 rounds the water level it will be [povyshatsya].[k] 16 to round water it will reach the level of the bridge - There are 15% probability that [tery] running from [respa] into the water will be immediately attacked and [sedeny] By [atstekami] or [Mayya]. - Terrorists obtain possibility after sacrificing on [respe] it is counter its player to obtain access to the chemical weapon. de_dust2 - for equalizing of chances is added rep. for cg immediately opposite the folds. It is very convenient for awp - are possible the sandstorms on [dlinne] - output from the gut on B is equipped with rails and cart. - [Tery] obtain the possibility of 1 times for the round to bury. de_train - Is added possibility for it is ter to earn not bad money. Now they can drive away railroad cars. 1 railroad car costs - 2000$ on each crew member - On to center it can pass [tovarnyak], which will engage always diverted to the round. By such means of [tery] they can take only covered [plant]. - [Tery] obtain the possibility, after taking out railroad car (which stands next to the stairs) from the wall, to come out sponsor support to entire [ostavshuusya] game. Sponsor will give 2500$ each round de_clan1_mill - there is 25% possibility that it will break through canalization. By the force of impact of water is removed 100hp. Year of the output: 2008 C[istemnye] requirements: Processor Of pentium OF III 1 GHz 256 mb. of the working storage Of [videokarta] 128 mb Size: 660 mb
    Counter Strike 1.7.1
    Category: PC games | Added by: djvito
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