Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (32-Bit) | 581MB This is the original genuine version of Windows XP Professional. It includes Service Pack 2. It does not require any cracks or tools to pass the validation process. This is an untouched version of Windows XP Professional.This genuine serial number works only for this version. It will not work if you try to upgrade or dual-boot with this serial number. (see enclosed
Installation Steps Download all the links. Extract all the links in same folder. I have added original serial number in form of a picture.Get the genuine serial number from it.. This genuine serial number works only for this version. Burn on a blank CD.With Nero. Preferably at a very slow recording speed to reduce errors. Write the Genuine Serial Number on a piece of paper and then restart your PC. (see enclosed) Make sure your PC BIOS is set to Boot from CD Drawer. Boot from CD. Install fresh copy of Windows XP. (Format your PC). Register with the product key (see enclosed) Enjoy a lifetime genuine Windows XP.